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Photo dimensions des étoiles

Photo dimensions des A©toiles
Photo dimensions des étoiles
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dimensions des étoiles - Images pour l'écoles et l'éducation - ressources pédagogiques

Catégorie: Photo Terre > dimensions des étoiles

Mots-clés: dimensions des étoiles, univers, ciel,

Image information

English: Relative sizes of the planets in the solar system and several well known stars. Star colours are estimated (based on temperature) and Saturn's rings are shown slightly larger in the picture than to scale. Blender 3D was used for the models, lighting, and rendering. The GIMP was used to assemble and label the six renders into a single image. Wolfram Alpha was used to calculate each star's base colour through Wien's Law. The relative sizes of stars in terms of their representative solar radius were calculated for all stars in each frame. Texture maps for stars were created using images of the Sun from SOHO. Planetary texture and bump maps (excluding Earth) were from Celestia Motherlode. Lastly, Earth's texture and bump map were obtained from Natural Earth III.

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. In short: you are free to distribute and modify the file as long as you attribute its author(s) or licensor(s).

Author : Dave Jarvis

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