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Image Hapy

Image hapy
Image Hapy
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Hapy - Images pour l'écoles et l'éducation - ressources pédagogiques

Catégorie: Image L'Égypte ancienne > Hapy

coloriage, coloriages, dessins, école, éducation, éducatif, images à colorier: Hapy

Mots-clés: Hapy, Esprit du Nile,

Image information

Dual depiction of Hapy, the ancient Egyptian god of the Nile and its flood, in the sema-tawy motif of unification of the two lands. He ties together the symbols of upper Egypt (the lotus, left half) and lower Egypt (the papyrus, right half), while the vegetation and rolls of fat symbolize fertility and the blue skin symbolizes the Nile's life-giving water.
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The author of this image is Wikipidia user Jeff Dahl.

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